In line with the philosophy of largescale cooperation, Wom@rts project lasted for 48 months and was prolonged until December 2021 due to coronavirus pandemic. For the duration of the project the partners collaborated in a wide range of complementary and, in most cases, cross-cultural activities and actions (Working Packages):
A. Wom@rts Knowledge, Public Awareness, Charter & Promotion
First the project produced a cross-sectorial diagnosis and research work, to present a full picture of the situation. Partners also nominated Ambassadors for the project- recognized European artists, women as well as men, carried out Masterclasses (workshops and conferences), created a European-wide data platform and finally, produced a Charter stating objectives and recommendations of good practices and behaviours in terms of gender egalitarianism in culture and the arts.
B.The 2nd Sex – Creation of a cross-sectorial roaming exhibition presented the works produced in the 3 artistic residencies from 2019 onwards. There, all disciplines were in dialogue and formed a unique output, as well as paying tribute to Simone de Beauvoir.
C. Capacity Building: created Training courses to avoid the “starving artist” stereotype through training courses on self-employment and challenges of creating micro-companies as well as internationalization and self-marketing.
D. Participation of women in Festivals and Special Events- European intellectuals, writers and artists in Hay Festivals in Europe and Latin America, Cantactrices! series of concerts and meetings, and the first European Young Female Writers Meeting at the Hay Festival in Rijeka in 2020.
E. Communication aimed at attracting the attention of both the general and the specialized audience and media.
F. Management & Evaluation by a series of Steering Committees that took place in the partner countries and internal monitoring processes.