HAY FESTIVAL EUROPA28, RIJEKA 2020 - 1st European Female Writers Meeting
In the framework of 2020 European Capital of Culture, the Academy of Applied Arts and Hay Festival organised a 3-day event in Rijeka, between 5-9 October 2020, putting together 28 prominent female authors (one per EU country) to discuss the future of EU literature and to insist on the need to reach gender-equal share presence in the book and publishing markets.
This important event needed over a year of preparation. In addition to the identification and selection of the participants, that has been made by a pool of “judges” from the partners countries, each participant created or selected extract from existing books for up to 6 pages. This allowed us to edit a specific “Rijeka 2020-28 European Female Authors” book, that has been edited and published (in paper and as an e-book) in Croatian and English…more