

Wom@rts partners worked to increase the visibility of women in some of their previously existing international Festivals (Hay Festival editions in Europe and Latin America and the Cantactrices! series of concerts and meetings parallel to Cineuropa film festival in Santiago), as well as a new Hay Festival event presenting 28 women writers – one from each EU country – sharing their visions for the future over three days in Rijeka, Croatia.



Hay Festival brings readers and writers together to share stories and ideas in sustainable events around the world. The festivals inspire, examine and entertain, inviting participants to imagine the world as it is and as it might be. Nobel Prize-winners and novelists, scientists and politicians, historians and musicians talk with audiences in a dynamic exchange of ideas. Hay Festival’s global conversation shares the latest thinking in the arts and sciences with curious audiences live, in print and digitally. Hay Festival also runs wide programmes of education work supporting coming generations of writers and culturally hungry audiences of all ages.In the frame of Wom@rts project there will be 12 Hay Festival editions …more


For the last 30 years Auditorio de Galicia has organized the Cineuropa film festival. We want to take advantage of this event to reach its audience through the organisation of a specific parallel series, that we will include not projections, but live participation of European actresses: ¡Cantactrices! (singer-actresses). In that framework 4 European singer-actresses will be invited to perform, 2 in the 2019 edition (together with the “2nd Sex” exhibition opening), and 2 in the 2020 edition. Both editions should take place between October and November. It will also allow them to participate at roundtables or meetings with the general audience …more
HAY FESTIVAL EUROPA28, RIJEKA 2020 - 1st European Female Writers Meeting

HAY FESTIVAL EUROPA28, RIJEKA 2020 - 1st European Female Writers Meeting

In the framework of 2020 European Capital of Culture, the Academy of Applied Arts and Hay Festival organised a 3-day event in Rijeka, between  5-9 October 2020, putting together 28 prominent female authors (one per EU country) to discuss the future of EU literature and to insist on the need to reach gender-equal share presence in the book and publishing markets.

This important event needed over a year of preparation. In addition to the identification and selection of the participants, that has been made by a pool of “judges” from the partners countries, each participant created or selected extract from existing books for up to 6 pages. This allowed us to edit a specific “Rijeka 2020-28 European Female Authors” book, that has been edited and published (in paper and as an e-book) in Croatian and English…more