Mateja Bučar


Meet the Masters / Maša Radi Buh in conversation with Mateja Bučar
Festivalna dvorana, Ljubljana, SI
Tuesday, 30 November 2021


As part of the Wom@rts project, the Maribor Art Gallery organised a conversation with dancer and choreographer Mateja Bučar. In a dialogue with the dance and theatre thereotitian and critic Maša Radi Buh she talked about her long-term dance and choreographic practice, her connection to the field of visual arts and the challenges she faced as a woman on her creative path.


The discussion took place at the rerun of the performance Parquet Ball, which followed the conversation. At the heart of the performance is the literal materialization of the title, ie the parquet ball, which in a remote-controlled choreography moves around the dance hall in relation to two dancers – a ballerina and a dancer of modern dance.


After the performance, UGM enabled 5 selected visitors to meet Mateja Bučar’s choreographic work even more closely and join her in learning about the choreographic processes with which she established the performance Parquet Ball. The chosen ones were able to try the choreography of parquet balls themselves and meet the technology behind it.

Event was attended live by the audience and was streamed directly to UGM’s Youtube channel, where it is also archived.