Entrepreneurship training session | Wom@rts
L créent – She creates
25.2. 2021 – 10.6. 2021
Thanks to the methodology of partners LIT Limerick and WIFT Finland, Grand Angoulême developed a training course for women working in the arts in their city. Program was organised in collaboration with Les Premières Nouvelle Aquitaine (https://www.lespremieresna.com/fr). Training consisted of:
- 15 workshops, masterclass and inspiring encounter, for women creators in order to “reveal the entrepreneur who lies in you” !
- Face to face session and online session. On the 29 and 30 of March there were 2 days face to face in collaboration with the technopole Eurekatech (https://www.eurekatech.fr/)
- mixers of women creators and women entrepreneurs
- an online round table with 2 inspiring artists testemony.
Program had 31 participants, not only women artist but also cultural and creative partners.