Women in Art Quiz
Out of 1160 paintings and 1627 artworks on permanent display at the Prado Museum in Madrid, how many of the paintings are by women, according to data from March 2018?
Out of 100 artists, whose work sold at auction for the highest amount in the last 20 years, 60 were European. But of those, how many were women?
What was the percentage of solo exhibitions by women artists in comparison to those by male artists between 2007 and 2014, according to a European museums and galleries study?
As far as free time is concerned, women spend on average 1 hour 45 minutes per day more on household and family care activities (unpaid domestic labour) than men. Therefore, men have more time to spend on other leisure activities. Are we therefore right to assume that men spend more time on cultural participation and are thus stronger cultural consumers?
Lara Croft vs. Indiana Jones: Is there a significant gender gap in the field of archaeology?
How many European films are on average directed by women?
What percentage of gamers (videogame players) in the EU do women represent?
How do women fare in music professions?
Comic books and graphic novels is the only subsector in publishing to achieve equal representation of men and women among authors and creators.
Out of 118 Nobel laureates in Literature, how many are women?
Women working in the cultural and creative industries make 3,7% of the total female workforce in Europe (in the same way, men make 3,8%). But in some European countries, this figure is even higher, reaching over 6% of the total national workforce. Can you guess which of the following countries rank in the top 3 highest rate of cultural employment for women? Choose 3 answers.
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